Brief Introduction

Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (hereinafter referred to as “TEDA”), established on December 6, 1984 with the approval of the State Council, is one of the first national development zones in China. When Deng Xiaoping, the chief architect of China’s reform and opening up, inspected TEDA in August 1986, he personally inscribed “TEDA has great promise”. After more than three decades of development, TEDA has formed a development pattern of “one zone with multiple parks”, becoming a national development zone with the largest economic scale, the highest degree of export orientation and the best comprehensive investment environment in China. By 2022, TEDA has actually used foreign investment of USD 68.28 billion, and attracted 532 projects invested by 117 transnational corporations listed in Fortune 500 and a total of 6,416 projects using foreign investment from 97 countries and regions, including 1,512 projects with an investment amount exceeding USD 10 million. It has been awarded many honors such as China’s Most Admired Industrial Park (Fortune), One of the Six Most Dynamic Cities and Regions in China (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), National Health City, National Civilized City, National Model Industrial Park with Harmonious Labor Relations, “Influence China” Local Innovative Government, and International Safe Community (International Safe Community Certification Center).


Green Measures

TEDA has an employment population of nearly 600,000, a permanent resident population of 300,000, and a resident living area accounting for 28% of the total built-up area. As one of the first national economic and technological development zones in China, and having achieved high-degree integration between industry and city, TEDA fully understands the significance of “universal green and low-carbon action”, and takes the lead in incorporating residents’ carbon reduction efforts into the overall plan for orderly implementation.

In 2022-2023, to widely spread Chinese President Xi Jinping’s thought on ecological civilization, present the achievements of ecological conservation and environment protection in the new era, tell a vivid story of the universal participation in the construction of a beautiful China, and encourage enterprises and residents to engage in the great practice of modernizing the harmonious coexistence between human and nature, TEDA has built Tianjin’s first dual-carbon exhibition hall - Tianjin Dual-carbon Exhibition Hall, designed the “Green and Low-carbon Industrial Tour” science and education travel route, and launched the carbon inclusive platform for residents with the technical support of the Secretariat of Green Partnership of Industrial Parks (GPIPC).

The “GPIPC Carbon Inclusive” App, guided by Tianjin Ecology and Environment Bureau and developed with the support of the TEDA Ecology and Environment Bureau and the TEDA Federation of Trade Unions, is another important exploration and practice to guide citizens to live a green and low-carbon lifestyle, aiming to actively advocate a green and low-carbon lifestyle, explore and establish a carbon inclusive model that everyone engages in and benefits, and help TEDA fully implement the “Ten Actions”.


At the same time, the green points gained by TEDA residents through green and low-carbon behaviors can be immediately “cashed” for rewards on the platform, so that the benefits of green life are “visible and tangible”. This App gathers green and low-carbon product manufacturers and green technology enterprises in Tianjin, keeps improving the use value of carbon points, constantly stimulates consumption vitality, highlights both social and economic benefits, and truly realizes the double benefits for the public and the businesses. By gathering all forces, it transforms the invisible green lifestyle into tangible green value.

The preference and incentive mechanism in the App highlights the carbon asset and financial attribute of individual green behaviors, fully mobilizes the enthusiasm of enterprises in the region and even the city to engage in carbon inclusive cooperation, and inspires the vitality of TEDA residents to consciously practice green and low-carbon lifestyle, so that everyone can participate in the implementation of the dual-carbon policies and support the full achievement of carbon neutrality goal of TEDA.

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  • 主办单位:国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟
  • 技术支持电话:022-66371809
  • 版权所有:天津泰达低碳经济促进中心有限公司(国家级经济技术开发区绿色发展联盟秘书处)
  • 京ICP备2020035841号-2
  • 网站管理及技术支持:国家级经开区绿色发展联盟绿色数据中心

